The revolt

The revolt lasted no time at all, but I was doubtful that it would have no lasting impact. The strays would keep growing older and the mistakes would never see the learned; we were colorless and plentiful, and we slept because our eyes were weary of the sun; you remembered me until the day you died, then I didn't feel your love. That was what the projection of the impact provided, and I know the combined words sought a way to paper and some were never useful to others.


Authors are writers who finish their works - so I was forcefully semi-educated by one influential non-informant this past week, so I packed up my creativity and self-inflicted phrases into a story - one authored and had the parts which would take that plot and stamp it a "piece."


Certain that I would quickly vocabularize my opinion clearly for lack of silence due to a formula of ideas succeeded by psychological capture.




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